Contemporary Test photoshoot

ST - Test shots

 My final test shoot included two great subjects who created their own fashion line. It was great working with different people and a clothing brand that is not released. The photoshoot consisted of hoodies, dark themed location, urban poses and modern compositions. I know for a fact that in the 1990’s photographers would not carry a photoshoot like this one and that is why I chose to do it. The photoshoot was carried out at night because it fitted well with the clothes, I wanted it to look edgy and not kind and cheerful. I wanted to get straight to the point, so we visited Vauxhall in London to take those photos in a local estate. The brand is about connecting different people together, and what is the best place for that? An estate where everyone is real and honest. 

I have to say I had a little problem with the exposure and getting the lighting right however with a help of another friend holding a flashlight it enabled me to capture them just great. The lighting in the bridge gave a modern look to the photos because of the bright red-light strip on the edge, I loved it, it gave my models a red backlight which came out great. Another great aspect was hiding their faces and showing more the clothes as the designer asked me to focus more on clothes but don’t leave the model out of the shot, so I thought, okay if they can cover their faces with the branded hat, that could work out just fine. The apartments in the backdrop also gave a nice touch to the modern interface. Back in the old days, there was no apartments like this, therefore that was an awesome idea to include as well. Comparing to the previous test shots, I had an old looking inspired location with simple clothing, then this evolves into a more bright, more colourful and more busy background to this photoshoot where everything is new, the backdrop has lights and apartments and lastly this explicitly portrays my objective as a photo series. 

Moving forward with my main photoshoot:

After taking three different photoshoots, I figured to use one, well fitted model that I’ve used before as he is very comfortable with me and have proved to me that he can listen to my directions in order to receive what I want. Victor, which I included in my first year, my skating in heels photoshoot and now my Evolution project shows his change in fashion itself. Looking forward to seeing how the projects goes on with him. 

Second Test Photoshoot 2006

ST - Test shots

This second test shot was based in Central London, in Southbank with a great female model, she was professional with the posing and done everything I asked her for. Working with an individual like that made me practice for my future career and in my opinion, I cannot wait to be in the industry to work with professionals.

Going to the photoshoot, I thought about three things, “Face”, “Hair” and “clothing”. The face was important because from what I found out, in the 2000’s the face was really important tot get the message across. In this photoshoot, I wanted my model to be very comfortable in her clothes that I picked out for her, the nice striped top complemented her hair, the jacket was vintage which fits in the theme I was working with  and the hair which I kindly asked her to curl came out amazing in the shot. 

The location was picked in Central because I think it could be modern as 2006 is not as far from now than 1990, however it is also historic so it would fit perfectly in-between.

Moving to one photo that is attached to my post is one of Catherine which I done a shoot just before the central London one. I wanted to manipulate the image and use my creativeness in photoshop. I masked, cropped and manipulated the image so that the background was a Graffiti wall as the biggest thing coming in the urban style was skating and graffiti which I wanted my main photoshoot to include. I’m big on the skating culture and fashion so the evolution of that style had to be inserted into my project.  

First test shoot

ST - Test shots

Here I can show you what I had in mind at the beginning of the project. The model I chose had a great physique and, in my opinion, looked photogenic on camera. The idea was to go to a roof top, have him dressed in denim with a plain white t-shirt as they did in the 90’s. As I knew this was only a test shoot, I was mainly focusing on if the model would fit the role in the main photoshoot I would carry and if the location would fit for the time era of 1990’s. In conclusion I decided I wouldn’t take him due to the lack of his backstory with fashion, he wasn’t interested into fashion or the evolution of it. Furthermore, the location looked far more modern than ancient, therefore I passed on that location too. I wanted to find something more industrial.

I used my Canon 750D to do this photoshoot, used manual settings to get the best lighting I could naturally and used a zoom in lens. My camera is not full frame however in the future I would love to buy a canon 5D to make my photography even better.