Test shoot – Fashion

Personal Project, Tests and Experiments

My last Test shoot was taken partly in central London and in a skatepark. I included more than one models in here. I chose the top photos from that day to show here. The model wear very youth- inspired clothes and what they call “hype” in which they stand out of the crowd and they feel interesting, unstoppable and fashionable. I wanted to see if the actual photoshoot will be alright to perform in the city however after doing this test shoot I gathered that it had to be ina spot where skateboarding is presented best – Skatepark. Here I wanted to show people skating or being with a skateboard while wearing non skateboaring clothes/shoes.

Male Test shoot

Personal Project, Tests and Experiments

I have regathered my ideas from my other test shoot with my female model and I considered to include a man wearing those heels. I wanted to seize some close ups of him on the skateboard, him standing and doing a trick and him posing with the board. This photoshoot consists of my model wearing all black clothes to make it simple and not too complicated. For my actual shoot I would like some colour within. I have realised that everything worked well apart from the background, I needed a more of a skate theme environment such as a skatepark with ramps and rails. I also needed to have different perspectives where I capture the model and include different poses and hand and body gestures. 

Test Shoot

Personal Project, Tests and Experiments

Here I present one of the test shoots I have performed in a skatepark in London to see how heels and skateboarding will look. I used a female model to start with as I could comfortably move her around, make her pose femininely and start planning my proper photoshoot with a male model.  This shoot was a test to see how my real model would look in the skateboarding environment and I wanted to see how natural sun lighting will reflect on the clothes, shoes and face.