Developing Ideas

Environment, location scouting, Test Shoots, Visual Practice

Recently I’ve been scouting some locations and one of them has been Abby Mills Area in Colliers wood. The amount of nature, industrial buildings, props and furniture I found to include in my shoot  represents the environment we are in right now. My model represents the youth of London and these examples below are the best shots I have taken from a test shoot, the woods gave me the idea that we as the youth should look after our nature and environment more often. The smoke coming out of the bonfire represents the annoying and toxic people who destroy the environment with vandalism, criminal damage and disturbance. By having my subjects hand over his mouth it shows that one person cannot fix our environment by his self, his words does not count at all. The gaze in his eyes is almost a cry for help!

The photograph of my model on the couch was a simple over head shot to show his calm and relaxing mood. the colours in this shot really work together, they are almost all cold colours which represents the weather we have now, it gets colder and colder each day. By him not looking at the camera is shows that the younger generations are not focused on their lives, studies and behaviour, they tend to be lazy most of the time.

The last photo doesn’t have a lot of meaning or symbolism behind it however it’s a clean and clear shot of my subject gazing into the distance. With aperture I made the focal point really explicit as the background is blured, this gives depth to the photograph and leaves the viewer to see what environment we are surrounded by.