The Exhibition’s Instagram Page

Exhibition Instagram page

To further promote our outstanding and hardworking event, the promotion team came up with a clean Instagram page. Why social media? Most people, especially students go through Instagram and see what is happening in the world, with the magic of it, we were able to promote our exhibition with photo examples of our photography and artwork. The Instagram page was great to have an interaction with the public, gain thought and criticisms from our audience and well sadly also was made to show the cancellation of the vent itself.

Here is what our logo, bio and our recent following status is:

Below you can briefly see how our clean Instagram was presented, it looked professional, amazing, stunning and vibrant. We didn’t want to give out too much information so therefore mainly people from the promoting team uploaded their examples on the page to be seen by the public. 

Here you can see an example of a post from our Instagram page, it included their initial statement, their name and their favourite piece of photography they had from this project. Overall, I was pleased how this came out as we were able to reach to many people and it allowed us to see who was interested into our show