Exhibition has been Cancelled

exhibition cancelled

Unluckily, with all of our hard work, will power and excitement, the exhibition was announced to be cancelled due to the spread of an infectious virus, Covid-19. As the virus is contagious and was still fresh at the time, having a bunch of people in an airtight space was not great as anyone was at risk of the highly dangerous virus. With all our hope, we had to formally apologise on our Instagram page that the event was not happening anymore. By having bold, red and capital text stating “CANELLED” above our poster it took peoples interest and guided them to read about the reason the gallery and us didn’t allow the event to be displayed. The worse thing was that it was a couple of days before opening and I am sure that if it did happen, we for one would have had amazing feedback, we would of experienced our first ever exhibition as photographers and would allow us to promote each other on social media, local community and the overall public which could of influenced our careers. Below is a screenshot of the announcement from the Art Centre itself talking about its recent activity.