Workshop: Book Binding

ST - Workshop

This workshop came in very handy when it will come for me to be making my own book myself, I learnt many stitching techniques and actually practicing them on physical books. Making a book from the start or I’ll say from scratch was amazing because I felt so proud to say I made it and not the publisher. For this project I am willing to do a photobook as my final outcome. We all in the workshop learnt the 3-hole Pamphlet and the original Kettle stitching techniques. 

This equipment was used to get the stitching done: 

  1. Book knife
  2. Book binding needles
  3. A bone folder made out of Teflon
  4. A book binding thread

3 Hole Pamphlet Stitch:

  1. Fold the paper equally in A5 (that was the size we were working with).
  2. begin by putting a hole in the middle, top and bottom, and that can be done by using the needle.
  3. Sew the thread through the eye of the needle, go through all the wholes, then pull the opposite end and a knot will be formed so the thread will not come out of the eye.
  4. Push the thread through the middle hole from the front inwards and then the top back again.
  5. Finish by tying a double knot and the book would be bind with the 3 whole Pamphlet.
Pamphlet Stitch

Kettle Stitch:

Materials used:

  1. Book knife
  2. Book binding needles
  3. A bone folder made out of Teflon
  4. A book binding thread

“A knot formed in the sewing thread at the ends of the sections to hold them together.”

  1. Start by folding an A5 paper in half to create an A6 size, which will follow to a grouping together in fours.
  2. Create a template using an A5 piece of paper with a tab which shows you where the top of the A6 paper will measure.
  3. Make sure to take the right measurements from the tab which indicates the length of the A6, create five holes, one which will indicate the middle, one top and bottom a cm away from end, and then one in between each and the middle.
  4. Follow those steps by making 5 holes using this template on the A6 booklet of x4 pieces of paper. Put the smooth edge of the papers the same way in all the booklets to create one smooth side.
  5. Layer all booklets in front, to have a clear look, with binds facing away apart from one which will face towards us.
  6. Starting from the hole on the left, thread carefully the needle and tie a knot. Continue through each hole until the end of the process.
Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild - Home Study

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