Second Test Photoshoot 2006

ST - Test shots

This second test shot was based in Central London, in Southbank with a great female model, she was professional with the posing and done everything I asked her for. Working with an individual like that made me practice for my future career and in my opinion, I cannot wait to be in the industry to work with professionals.

Going to the photoshoot, I thought about three things, “Face”, “Hair” and “clothing”. The face was important because from what I found out, in the 2000’s the face was really important tot get the message across. In this photoshoot, I wanted my model to be very comfortable in her clothes that I picked out for her, the nice striped top complemented her hair, the jacket was vintage which fits in the theme I was working with  and the hair which I kindly asked her to curl came out amazing in the shot. 

The location was picked in Central because I think it could be modern as 2006 is not as far from now than 1990, however it is also historic so it would fit perfectly in-between.

Moving to one photo that is attached to my post is one of Catherine which I done a shoot just before the central London one. I wanted to manipulate the image and use my creativeness in photoshop. I masked, cropped and manipulated the image so that the background was a Graffiti wall as the biggest thing coming in the urban style was skating and graffiti which I wanted my main photoshoot to include. I’m big on the skating culture and fashion so the evolution of that style had to be inserted into my project.  

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