Green Screen Workshop/ Black Magic Camera

Fashion Film

Today we enetered studio 1 and saw a green screen being set up in the middle, My first thoughts were that I was so excited to use it. I never had a green screen experience so this by far was one workshop I was looking forward to. To start off we had an intoduction about a camera that can be used for green screen effects. That is called a Black magic camera. Its in a rectangular shape, its black of course and its normally placed ona stand to prevent shaky movements in shots.

I made some notes regarding the black Bagic camera:

Make sure the shadow is not on background,

Black magic takes any lens( fixed and zoomed),

The battery is not that great. Manual focus 

(Focus peaking)  everything in focus will get a green halo on the subject) Aperture change by rewind and fast forward button, Shutter speed works on it (24/sec), You can change frame size. Normally film in full screen, Set the camera to Progress HQ for codiac under the recording setting.

This was amazing when we were adding different effects to the screen like for example having an ocean behind us and we were pretending to swim whereas we were simply in the studio. I found out the more budget the company has the better and the more realistic the shot looks on the small screen.

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