Objects in Time: Workshop

Photo-Object Workshops

This workshop taught me how to create time lapse photography. The camera’s shutter speed was set on 1″, iso on a 100 and the aperture on F13. The broncolour flash was set on 4.0 and could go from 10 flashes a second to 50 flashes a second which allowed us to have the flexibility of choosing the time frame. we had a camera attached to a tripod that held up the light that akso holded a timer for the falsh to start. For us to have an effective outcome we needed movement in the shot so we catch the trail of action. walking, jumping, skipping or squatting was our options to start with. To further develop I would have a couple or a single person dacning salsa in a red dress and the guy in a white suit and I think the colours would of been so vibrant and interesting.

My own example of time Lapse:

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