Model Styling Workshop

Styling Identity, Workshop

Here I present some of my few shot I took in the model styling workshop. This workshop was taught by a professional Fashion Photographer “Katja Mejer”. This workshop made me understand simple tricks to achieve high quality photographs in a studio. Firstly we got introduced to two students that agreed to model for us. One scene was with colour gels and the other was used with continous lighting, more of a natural scene contrasting more of a contemporary theme.

The colour gel shots was really fascinating and extremely useful for future photoshoots. I learnt that the cameras settings have to be set manually to meet the expectations of the lighting in the studio. For instance sometimes the colours could be not as vibrant, the subject could not be in focus because of the bad lighting and lastly I learnt to keep an eye on shadows especially using colour gels because they could get in the way of the shot.

The continous lights theme photoshoot went really well. We had two lights set up, one in front and one behind for backlit exposure. we used polyboards to reflect the lighting onto the subject so that the lighting wont be as harsh as it could of been. We practiced different postures with the models to gain experience while doing our actual photoshoot.

Overall because of this workshop I decided to use continous lighting in my actual photoshoot and use the blue colour gel too to connect with my project’s theme.

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